My Tina fairy magnet is featured in a stunning treasury, chosen by the lovely AJ of Erthe Fae Designs. I am elated to be invited to the same ball as several of my favorite Etsyians. *glows* Dance with us before we scatter on Thursday, September 10th at 5:15am.

PS: If the treasury expires before you're able to view it and you want to see a featured item, add "" after the username (they're on the second line under the picture, left of the price - and if they're hard to read, right click on the image so you can view it full size) and you'll be magically whisked away to their shop. For example, you'd type my username, "aquariann," then "" and abra ca dabra:

PS: If the treasury expires before you're able to view it and you want to see a featured item, add "" after the username (they're on the second line under the picture, left of the price - and if they're hard to read, right click on the image so you can view it full size) and you'll be magically whisked away to their shop. For example, you'd type my username, "aquariann," then "" and abra ca dabra:
Looks like a great treasury. Congrats on being included.