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Handmade and Art Blog Links

I recommend exploring the following blogs for more art and handmade goodness. But first, don't forget to grab the code to one of my buttons at the bottom to use as a bread crumb back to my realm.

Cheers To Novelty
The artist at Cheers to Novelty likes to make nice things and help you smile.
Elfling Creations
The Elbit Blog revolves around riveting ramblings of the elfing artist Meri Greenleaf.
Faire Treasures Codicellus
Faire Treasures Codicellus is riddled with ruminations of a costume obsessed photographer.
Mermaiden Creations
Mermaiden explores liminality with pretty words and stunning creations.
MiddleEarths Jewels
MiddleEarths Jewels shares precious treasures from beyond this Earth.
Shaelynn's Faerie Shoppe Blog
Shaelynn's Faerie Shoppe Blog is aflutter with art, crafts, jewelries, and ideas.
Shamble Ramble
Stroll through two sisters' shared dream at Shamble Ramble.
Spiral Moon Fantasy Blog
The Spiral Moon Fantasy Blog revolves around myth and magic.
The ChainMaille Lady
The ChainMaille Lady designs teeny tiny jump rings into gorgeous jewelry.
2 just B you
2 just B you is an online journal of a family's home-based small business venture and life events that happen in the meantime.

Remember how clapping saved Barrie's Tinkerbelle? Share one of my buttons on your blog if you believe in my fairies. Acknowledgment helps them glow brighter. Leave me a comment after you've done so and I'll rock my happy dance right over to your page.the art and tree chatter of aquariann

the art and tree chatter of aquariann

the art and tree chatter of aquariann

the art and tree chatter of aquariann


  1. I putting a button on my blog just 'cause the little red haired fairy is so cute! Wishing you lots of fun and positive thoughts today and lovin' the green-ness found here.

  2. I agree with Emme, I am gonna put your button on my blog because I love that little read headed fairy, so cute! Plus your stuff is great;)

  3. I've got your button on my blog! Thank you so much for linking to me too. :)

  4. I've added a button to my blog. love your art.

  5. There's a little fairy on my blog now making it pretty :)

  6. Your link is now on my workshop bloggie blog; you can grab the code for my blinkie there, too:

  7. I think the little red headed fairy is you..isn't she?..She is now in my blog. You can grab mine,
    I just spent all day figuring out how to make a button!..Thanks for all the great tips..:). Your blog is great!

  8. I added the lovely fairy to my blogspot as well!

  9. Question-- is it OK to link you by making a post like this on my own blog? Or does it have to be a link on the sidebar?

  10. Got cha the blog!
    Hippie New Year!

  11. I just love the tribal bans on the fairy. Thank you

  12. Hi Aquariann,
    Thank you for posting a link exchange request on my site. I am so sorry that I have only just read that comment today, over a month later. Somehow, I screwed up something simple like asking Blogger to send me an e-mail whenever the blog gets a comment. I of course immediately added your blog feed.

    A link on your blog would be very much appreciated if you are still feeling up for it. Here is a link to a 125x125 button:

    Thank you!

  13. I am posting you link on my blog.
    Love your art and your blog!
    Here is mine:

  14. Just grabbed your awesome button!
    I just made buttons for my blog and my Etsy shop, if you'd like to check them out...

  15. Hi there! I adore your blog. Your artwork is beautiful and your posts are interesting and creative! I just added your button to the sidebar of my blog. Would love if you checked it out!


  16. Nice to find like minded faerie lovers, Greetings and faerie kisses from the south west of England.
    Elizabeth Andrews.
    check out my website for faerie cards, prints and ooak faerie dolls

  17. Those look like they'll be fun to explore! Thanks for putting them all together like that. I've been meaning to say for ages, I love your avatar!

  18. Thank you so much for the lovely comments on my blog! Love your avatar, have a wonderful week! All the best, Sherry

  19. Not sure if you're still doing link exchanges but I have your link on my blog ^^ Feel free to link back, you can find the link back info


    I really love your art!

  20. Hi there,

    I always enjoy visiting your blog, and I've just started a brand new blog at

    I'm posting your button now! :-)


  21. I added you to my blogs to visit section on my blog!:


    Linking yours on mine! Sadly I don't have a link....You ARE welcome to make a few for me ????
    WOuld be awesome!

  23. Hi Kristen as promised heres my blog and your button is there, feel free to grab mine xx Tina

  24. I added you to my blog! :)

  25. Came across your website and love it and your work! Just put your banner on my new link page I just started. Yours is the first :)
    My banners are on my page too. I would appreciate if you could link to me too

  26. Hi Kristin, I have just added your banner to my blog. Love all the wonderful things you have going here!!

  27. I love love love all your little button! Please share how you create them?

  28. Thank you, Tamaura! I create them using GIMP, a free image manipulation program.

  29. Hey Kristin, I just added your lovely button! Here are mine if you are interested in swapping!

  30. Loved your button! Loved it so much, I added to TWO of my web-pages! Please visit me at You will see your button at the home page and the crafting page. Please feel free to grab a button from my site. Thanks in advance!


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Thank you so fairy much for fluttering by my blog. Feedback makes me sparkle! Unless it is mean - please keep that poison for yourself.

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