Monday, January 1, 2018


I started blogging in 2001 (high fives to the early LiveJournalers out there), whenever something in my life begged me to write about it. My blog fever hit full force in 2010. Then finally broke in 2018, when my blog entries dropped drastically, from a few times a week to very rarely. Now the best way to follow and contact me is through


  1. LOL may cause seizures - I think I've seen some of those ads elsewhere!

  2. Sounds promising. I'll have to think about it as I'm not sure anything is going to help drive traffic to either my shop or my blog. :(
    Maybe I need some of those seizure inducing ads on my site ... at this point in time I'm getting desperate. LOL

  3. I'd advertise for a month, if I'm appropriate, so to speak..

  4. Hmmm...almost 500 followers? $5 a month? I might be game...;)

  5. "Aquariann" has been included in this weeks Sites To See. I hope you like the image I featured, and I hope this helps to attract many new visitors here.

  6. Hey girl! GREAT blog and think I may be purchasing an ad spot for you VERY soon! May we purchase 2 spots? I'd love to have one for my ArtFire shop and one for my Etsy.
    Jenna (Nilsson)

  7. Thank you, Jenna! Indeed you may buy two spots, or multiple months, for that matter. I just altered the button so anyone can change the quantity when checking out.

  8. You and your blog have come a long way. Congratulations, all your hard work is really paying off.

  9. how did you get so many followers????? awesome!

  10. If you're interested, I have a lot of etsy artists on my community site ( looking to work with interesting blogs like yours.


    Jesse Cohen

  11. Hi just bought add space from you yesterday and meant to buy for three month space wondering how to fix that ;)

  12. Thanks for all the great info. I followed you here from the etsy forum where you were ever so helpful in explaining Project Wonderful. It kept me from having to read the other 64 threads on how it worked.

    I'll be placing an ad on your fantastic blog just as soon as I finish getting my site loaded again. I think our styles would be a nice mix.

    Must focus :/

  13. I'm also an early livejournaler. I still have that account even though I don't update it much anymore. Congrats on all of your blog success!

  14. Love the way you just keep fluttering and glowing. Smile

  15. I have always been amused to be here....simply an awesome post..

  16. oooo...I have to send this post to my sis...nifty.

  17. Lovely new blog look and you are very digitally knowledgeable ~ and Creative!

    Thanks for visiting ^_^


Thank you so fairy much for fluttering by my blog. Feedback makes me sparkle! Unless it is mean - please keep that poison for yourself.