Thursday, December 30, 2010

Branch out to Pixie Dust Fineries!

Pixie Dust Fineries is aglow with a variety of handcrafted artisan jewelry, all designed by Trish. She lost her job in 2007, and now works 24-7 on her Etsy shop. Even when she watches TV, she pays more attention to the jewelry being worn than the actual program. New ideas leap into her head constantly, and she's been known to get up in the middle of the night to sketch one so it doesn't flee by morning.

Trish's favorite item to work with is Swarovski Crystals. She says, "I love the way they sparkle, and the smooth texture and they just look rich. I also love natural gemstones. No two are alike, and most of them have interesting medicinal backgrounds." She has dozens of gorgeous bracelets, earrings, necklaces and rings shining with those quality materials - and many are even on sale this week! Don't miss her Year End Clearance section.

PixieDustFineries Etsy Shop

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  1. Lovely feature! Her TV-watching sounds so familiar, I pay more attention to clothing the actors are wearig than the actual program :D I had to heart her Etsy shop, as I found some new favorites. I wish everything good to her and her business :)


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