Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Deck Your Halls because the Reds Have It Treasuries

Follow me in merry measure to the Yuletide treasures of the EtsyTwitter Team. I am striking the harp because Kim White and The Chainmaille Lady were kind enough to include my tree fairy in both of their joyous holiday collections. Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Deck Your Halls and Your Table Too Treasury
The Reds Have It


  1. I love red heads! : )

  2. Very beautiful!! Thanks for including my necklace!!

  3. Both gorgeous!! ...and thanks so much for including my items! I love red :o)
    Smiles, Karen

  4. uh oh---I didn't read very well, did I? lol Aquariann--looks like we were both fortunate enough to be included in these festive treasuries :o)
    Sheepish Smiles, Karen

  5. Lovely treasuries! Congrats! I love your beautiful tree fairy <3

  6. Well, deck my halls, both treasuries are very lovely!

  7. Cute treasury's thanks for sharing

  8. Beautiful Treasury, Aquarianne!! Thanks for sharing and stopping by my blog!

  9. What a wonderful collection! Hard to pick a favorite, they are all so good.

    Response to blog question: Haven't had a good response so far, but it's a new feature on my blog, so we'll see.

  10. Lovely treasuries--thank you for including my pendant.


Thank you so fairy much for fluttering by my blog. Feedback makes me sparkle! Unless it is mean - please keep that poison for yourself.