Wednesday, September 17, 2014

WW: Raindrops on Rose of Sharon Flowers

Raindrops on Flowers Macro
"It will never rain roses: when we want to have more roses we must plant more trees."
- George Eliot

The last of the rose of Sharon petals fell a few days ago, but not before I photographed the purple flowers after a late summer rain.


  1. I popped in from Oh My Heartsie. It's been a while since I linked up. I always enjoy your flower photos. I also took pictures of the flowers in my garden (this morning) with water droplets, but mine wasn't rain, rather the sprinkler system. :)

  2. How pretty! Thank you for sharing and for hosting.
    Hope to see you at image-in-ing each week! This week's linkup is here:

  3. Beautiful shot :-)

    Have a rosetastic week ;-)

  4. As always amazing photo. So refreshing to look at this one =) #ww

  5. Hehehe - I got raindrops on purple petals, too, this week :)

  6. The dew drops are so pretty! I'm going to be so sad when the flowers are all gone when winter comes.

  7. Really lovely capture of the raindrops on the flower. HAppy WW

  8. What a few drops of water can do for a flower. Love the color!!! I too will miss our flowers when winter arrives. Thanks for stopping by to visit this week!

  9. Oh Rose of Sharons are so beautiful! We had one at our old house!

  10. Nice composition and subject ~ raindrops & flowers! Happy #WW!

  11. Hi, love the beautiful flower photo. I featured rain today too. :)
    Mary-andering Creatively

  12. Love how the rain and the flower are so perfect together.

  13. Lovely photo. When I first saw your post title, the song "My Favorite Things" popped into my head - "Raindrops on Roses and whiskers on kittens". Darn, now I'll be humming this all day. :D

    1. That song is exactly why I named it that! I'm glad someone else noticed, but apologize for getting it stuck in your head. ;D

  14. Haha...Almost Precious is on the same page as me. That song popped into my head the minute I read your title :)
    Beautiful photo!

  15. Wow, amazing capture! Thanks for sharing! :)

  16. Gorgeous picture. I love the angle and focus you chose. Very cool looking.

  17. oh so pretty and delicate! love the soft purple shade

  18. So beautiful. Love the dew effect.

  19. Lovely effect of the raindrops of the velvety petals. Here's a little bit of trivia for you:
    In Ireland that plant is known as Mallow & comes in many varieties, some wild. Our Rose of Sharon is a short herbaceous shrubby plant with smooth bright green leaves & buttercup yellow/golden flowers with red stamens. After the petals drop a red fruit much like a rosehip develops.

  20. Morning Kristin, just letting you know that I added your WW banner to my sidebar today.
    Maybe too you would like to stop by for Weekends Are Fun Party. Have a great weekend.

  21. Really pretty photo! You know I am a sucker for flower pictures. I love the raindrops on them. :)


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