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Jamberry Giveaway: Blue Watercolor Nail Art

EDIT: Giveaway is officially over. Congratulations to Shannon Oneill for submitting the randomly-chosen 63rd entry. Please email me back within 72 hours to claim your prize.
Jamberry Giveaway

There was nothing lamb-like about the way March went out last Friday. Mother Nature seems determined to stop the monthly weather stereotypes this year. Whether she sends showers or not this month, at least you can count on April bringing half of my Copenhagen nail art sheet to one lucky winner! I'll also include an accent nail of Delight, which is retired and thus more expensive to dig up than when it was readily available from a Jamberry consultant like mine, Janet Stoy.

If you haven't ever tried Jamberry nail wraps, read my Jamberry Nail Wraps Tutorial on my friend Katie's blog. If their product sticks with you, comment on this post and fill out the Rafflecopter to enter to win before April 19, 2017. Sharing the worldwide giveaway and following my social media accounts will also earn you extra entries and glittery glee from me. I will ship anywhere, but will be super sad if the winner's country won't allow nail stickers through customs so please check before entering.

After entering my giveaway, drizzle down to find dozens more giveaways by fellow participating bloggers in the Rain Rain Go Away Giveaway Hop! If you're hopping from there already and have a giveaway of your own to promote, I hope you'll add it to my Giveaway Chest Linky.

Rain Rain Go Away Giveaway Hop
Thanks to The Mommy Island and The Kids Did It for hosting!

Disclosure: Hosts and participating hop bloggers are not responsible for sponsors or self-sponsoring bloggers that do not fulfill prize obligations. Each blog will list the sponsor/blog responsible for each individual giveaway on their giveaway form/post. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc. are not affiliated with these giveaways.


  1. Whiskers is super adorable

  2. I love the Just Hatched for Easter, so cute.

  3. I like the rainbow quartz one. Since the comment section doesn't allow me to add in my name/email and requires me to use my google (which I'd rather not, actually). My name matches but my email doesn't. This is a bit frustrating. (and no, I'm not going to publicly post my email for everyone to see)

  4. I think the the Just Hatched is adorable.

  5. Coachella is very pretty!

  6. I love the Masterpiece wraps. The email I entered with is


  8. I like the Black Lace, Calaveras Dulces, Celeb Status and Corona de Flores. Really, there are tons more that I like. :)

  9. It's so hard to choose but I do have my eye on this LIMELIGHT

  10. I really like Copper Sea. Its great.

  11. I love Whiskers!!! I have not seen that before!!!

  12. My favorite wraps are the Coachella.

  13. For Peep's Sake is super cute!! My son would love if I did my nails with those!

  14. Beautiful pattern! Very spring-ready. danithorne at yahoo dot com

  15. My favorite is the WHISKERS wrap. Thanks.

  16. Omg there are so many beautiful ones! I love the "Hello" nail wraps. My daughter actually sells Jamberry. They are so awesome!

  17. I commented on the other blog (I think), but I will here too. I love the "Hello" ones! God bless all!

  18. I like "Coachella" the most.


  19. I love the mixtape the most. I love the colors.

  20. Their All Ears Nail Wraps are just the cutest!

  21. I like the Cosmopolitan.
    Michelle Castagne

  22. I really like "Limelight" and "Mixtape"

  23. I like the Coachella, Very very cool!!

  24. i like the golden age. it's so pretty!

  25. Coachella n mittens!!

  26. My favorite are Kiss Goodnight.

  27. I like

  28. I like the Whiskers. Thank you for the giveaway.

  29. Oh my goodness, that Royale Street nail wrap is GORGEOUS! I'm really torn between it and Masterpiece that kind of has a Star Warsy thing going on.


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